this is a wip cause ive never used strawpage in my life

hello vro....... ermmm i use the names mop, liam, and spencer (kinda theo too but idk) call me whatever 🙏
i use he/it/they, mainly he/him!!!!!!!

im licherally two from tpot's #1 fan /srs!!!!!!! i have all the proof for this ever (over 5,160 images of two and uhhh other things)

im incredibly desperate for friends so if you like object shows, lemon demon, or both of those PLEASE BE MY FRIEND PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLESAE PLEASE i need to talk to someone and have them know what im saying PLEAAAAASEEE

use tone tags with me cause i suck and i have trouble understanding shit a lot thaankg youuuu 🗣

i have social anxiety btw (its really bad so sorry if i dont reply or if im awkward as balls))